The History of Sidney Rigdon = The History of Joseph Smith
May 1, 1843
Sidney S.
Rigdon was born in Saint Clair township, Alleghany county, State of
Pennsylvania, on the 19th of February, A. D. 1793, and was the youngest son of
William and Nancy Rigdon. William Rigdon, his father, was a native of Hartford
county, State of Maryland, was born A. D. 1743, and died May 26th A. D. 1810, in
the 62d year of his age. William Rigdon was the son of Thomas Baker, and Ann
Lucy Rigdon. Thomas Baker Rigdon was a native of the State of Maryland, and was
the son of Thomas Baker Rigdon, who came from Great Britain.
Ann Lucy Rigdon, grandmother of Sidney S. Rigdon, was a native of Ireland, and
emigrated to the city of Boston, Massachusetts, and was there married to Thomas
Baker Rigdon. Nancy Rigdon's mother was a native of Freehold, Monmouth county,
New Jersey, was born March 16th, 1759, and died October 3d, 1839, and was the
eldest daughter of Bryant Gallaher, who was a native of Ireland. Elizabeth
Gallaher, mother to the said Nancy Rigden, was the second wife of the said
Bryant Gallaher, and whose maiden name was Reed, and who was a native of
Monmouth county, New Jersey. Their parents were natives of Scotland.
In giving an account of his parents, Elder Rigdon is of the opinion that he is
of Norman extraction, and thinks that the name of Rigdon was derived from the
French word Rig-o-dan, which signifies a dance, which language was spoken
by the Normans, and that his ancestors came over to England with William the
Conquerer. His father, William Rigdon, was a farmer, and he removed from the
State of Maryland some time prior to his marriage; to the State of Pennsylvania;
and his mother had removed some time prior to that, from the State of New Jersey
to the same State; where they were married, and continued to follow agricultural
pursuits. They had four children, viz: three sons, and one daughter. The eldest,
sons, were called Carvil, Loami, and Sidney S., the subject of this brief
history. The fourth, a daughter, named Lucy.
Nothing very remarkable took place in the youthful days of Elder Rigdon, suffice
it to say, that he continued at home with his parents, following the occupation
of a farmer until he was seventeen years of age, when his father died; after
which event, he continued on the same farm with his mother, until he was
twenty-six years of age. In his twenty-fifth year, he connected himself with a
society which in that country was called Regular Baptists. The Church he united
with, was at that time under the charge of the Rev. David Phillips, a clergyman
from Wales. The year following, he left the farm and went to reside with the
Rev. Andrew Clark, a minister of the same order. During his continuance with
him, he received a license to preach in that society, and commenced from that
time to preach, and returned to farming occupations no more. This was in March
In the month of May of the same year, he left the State of Pennsylvania and went
to Trumball county, State of Ohio, and took up his residence at the house of
Adamson Bentley, a preacher of the same faith. This was in July of the same
year. While there, he became acquainted with Phebe Brook, to whom he was married
on the 12th of June, A. D. 1820. She was a native of the State of New Jersey,
Bridgetown, Cumberland county, and had previously removed to Trumball county,
Ohio. -- After his marriage he continued to preach in that district of country
until November, 1821, when he was requested by the First Baptist Church of the
city of Pittsburgh, to take the pastorial charge of said Church, which
invitation he accepted, and in February, A. D. 1822, he left Warren, Trumball
county, and removed to that city and entered immediately upon his pastorial
duties, and contin[u]ed to preach to that Church with considerable success. At
the time he commenced his labors in that Church, and for some time before, the
Church was in a very low state and much confusion existed in consequence of the
conduct of their former pastor. -- However, soon after Elder Rigdon commenced
his labors, there was a pleasing change effected, for buy his incessant labors
and his peculiar style of preaching, the Church was crowded with anxious
listeners. The number of members rapidly increased, and it soon became one of
the most respectable Churches in that city. -- He was now a popular minister,
and was much respected in that city, and all classes and persuasions sought his
society. After he had been in that place some time, his mind was troubled and
much perplexed, with the idea that the doctrines maintained by that society were
not altogether in accordance with the scriptures. This thing continued to
agitate his mind, more and more, and his reflections open these occasions were
peculiarly trying; for according to his views of the word of God, no other
church that he was acquainted with was right, or with whom he could associate;
consequently, if he was to disavow the doctrine of the church with whom he was
then associated, he knew of no other way of obtaining a livelihood except by
mental labor, and at that time had a wife and three children to support.
May 15, 1843
On the one
hand was wealth, popularity and honor, on the other, appeared nothing but
poverty and hard labor. But, notwithstanding his great ministerial success, and
the prospect of ease and affluence, (which frequently swerve the mind, and have
an undue influence on too many who wear the sacred garb of religion, who for the
sake of popularity and of wealth, can calm and lull to rest their conscientious
scruples, and succomb to the popular church,) yet, his mind rose superior to all
these considerations. -- Truth was his pursuit, and for truth he was prepared to
make every sacrifice in his power. After mature deliberation, deep reflection,
and solemn prayer to his Heavenly Father, the resolve was made, and the
important step was taken; and in the month of August, A. D. 1824, after laboring
among that people two years and six months, he made known his determination, to
withdraw from the church, as he could no longer uphold the doctrines taught and
maintained by it. This announcement was like a clap of thunder -- amazement
seized the congregation, which was then collected, which at last gave way in a
flood of tears. It would be in vain to attempt to describe the feelings of the
church on that occasion, who were zealously attached to their beloved pastor --
of the feelings of their minister. On his part it was indeed a struggle of
principle over affection and kindness.
There was at the time of his separation from that church, a gentleman of the
name of Alexander Campbell, who was formerly from Ireland, and who has since
obtained considerable notoriety in the religious world, who was then a member of
the same association, and who afterwards separated from it. There was also
another gentleman, by the name of Walter Scott, a Scotchman by birth, who was a
member of the Scandinavian [sic] Church, in that city, and who separated from
the same about that time.
Prior to these separations, Mr. Campbell resided in Bethany, Brook county,
Virginia, where he published a monthly periodical, called the "Christian
Baptist." After they had separated from the different churches, these gentlemen
were on terms of the greatest friendship, and frequently met together to discuss
the subject of religion; being yet undetermined respecting the principles of the
doctrine of Christ, or what course to pursue. However, from this connexion
sprung up a new church in the world, known by the name of "Campbellites," they
call themselve[s] "Disciples." The reason why they were called Campbellites,
was, in consequence of Mr. Campbells' publishing the periodical above mentioned,
and it being the means through which they communicated their sentiments to the
world; other than this, Mr. Campbell was no more the originator of that sect
than Elder Rigdon.
Having now retired from the ministry, and having no way by which to sustain his
family, besides his own industry, he was necessiated to find other employment in
order to provide for his maintenance, and for this purpose he engaged in the
humble capacity of a journeyman tanner, in that city, and followed his new
employment, without murmuring, for two years -- during which time he both saw
and experienced, that, by resigning his pastorial vocations in that city, and
engaging in the humble occupation of a tanner, he had lost many who once
professed the greatest friendship, and who manifested the greatest love for his
society -- that when he was seen by them in the garb suited to the employment of
a tanner, there was no longer that freedom, courtesy and friendship manifested
-- that many of his former friends became estranged and looked upon him with
coolness and indifference -- too obvious to admit of deception. To a well
regulated and enlightened mind -- to one who soars above the arbitrary and vain
lines of distinction which pride or envy may draw, such conduct appears
ridiculous -- while at the same time it cannot but cause feelings of a peculiar
nature, in those who, for their honesty and integrity of heart, have brought
themselves into situations to be made the subjects of it.
These things, however, did not affect his mind, so as to change his purpose. He
had counted the cost before his separation, and had made his mind known to his
wife, who cheerfully shared his sorrow and humiliation, believing that all
things would work together for their good, being conscious that what they had
done was for conscience sake, and in the fear of the Lord.
June 1, 1843
After laboring for two years as a tanner, he removed to Bainbridge, Geauga,
county, Ohio, where it was known that he had been a preacher, and had gained
considerable distinction as a public speaker, and the people soliciting him to
preach, he complied with their request. From this time forward, he devoted
himself to the work of the ministry, confining himself to no creed, but held up
the Bible as the rule of faith, and advocating those doctrines which had been
the subject of his, and Mr. Campbell's investigations, viz: Repentance and
baptism, for the remission of sins.
He continued to labor in that vicinity one year, and during that time, his
former success attended his labors. Large numbers invariably attended his
meetings. While he labored in that neighborhood, he was instrumental in building
up a large and respectable church, in the town of Mantua, Portage county, Ohio.
The doctrines which he advanced being new, public attention was awakened, and
great excitement pervaded throughout that whole section of country, and
frequently the congregations which he addressed, were so large that it was
impossible to make himself audible to all. The subjects he proposed were
presented in such an impressive manner to the congregations, that those who were
unbiased by bigotry and prejudice, had to exclaim, "we never heard it in this
manner before." There were some, however, that opposed the doctrines which he
advanced, but not with that opposition which ever ought to characterize the
noble and ingenious. Those by whom he was opposed, well knew that an honorable
and public investigation, would inevitably discover the weakness and fatality of
their doctrines; consequently they shunned it, and endeavored, by ridiculing the
doctrines which he promulgated, to suppress them.
This, however, did not turn him from the path which he felt to be his duty; for
he continued to set forth the doctrines of repentance, and baptism for remission
of sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, according to the teachings of Peter,
on the day of Pentecost, exhorting his hearers in the mean time, to throw away
their creeds of faith -- to take the Bible as their standard, and search its
sacred pages -- to learn to live by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of
the Lord, and to rise above every sectarian sentiment, and the traditions of the
age, and explore the wide and glorious fields of truth which the scriptures
holds out to them.
June 1, 1843
laboring in that neighborhood one year, he received a very pressing invitation
to remove to the town of Mentor, in the same county, about thirty miles from
Bainbridge, and within a few miles from Lake Erie, which he sometime afterwards
complied with. The persons by whom he was more particularly requested to move to
that place, were the remnants of a Baptist Church, which was nearly broken up,
the members of which had become attached to the doctrines promulgated by Elder
The town of Mentor was settled by wealthy and enterprizing individuals, who had
by their industry and good management made that township one of the most
delightful in that country, or probably in the Western Reserve. Its advantages
for agricultural purposes could hardly be surpassed, while the splendid farms,
fertile fields, and stately mansions made it particularly attractive to the eye
of the traveller, and gives evidence of enterprize and wealth. -- In that
beautiful location he took up his residence, and immediately commenced his
labors, with that zeal and assiduity which had formerly characterized him.
But being a stranger, and many reports being put in circulation of a character
calculated to lessen him in the estimation of the people, and consequently
destroy his influence. Some persons were even wicked enough to retail those
slanderous reports which were promulgated, and endeavored to stir up persecution
against him; consequently many of the citizens were jealous, and did not extend
to him that confidence which he might otherwise have expected.
His path was not strewed with flowers, but the thorns of persecution beset him,
and he had to contend against much prejudice and opposition, whose swollen waves
might have sunk one less courageous, resolute, and determined; yet,
notwithstanding these unfavorable circumstances, he continued to meet the storm,
to stem the torrent, and bear up under the reproach for some time.
At length the storm subsided, for after laboring in that neighborhood about
eight months, he so wrought upon the feelings of the people by his consistent
walk and conversation -- his sociability, combined with his overwhelming
eloquence, that a perfect calm succeeded -- their evil apprehensions and
surmisings were allayed, their prejudices gave way, and the man whom they had
looked upon with jealousy was now their theme of praise, and their welcome
guest. Those who had been most hostile, now became his warmest admirers, and
most constant friends.
The churches in which he preached, which had heretofore been filled with anxious
hearers, were now filled to overflowing, the poor flocked to the services, and
the rich thronged the assemblies.
The doctrines he advanced, were new, but at the same time were elucidated with
such clearness, and enforced with an eloquence altogether superior to what they
had listened to before, that those whose sectarian prejudices were not too
deeply rooted, who listened to the deep and searching discourses which he
delivered from time to time, could not fail of being greatly affected, and
convinced that the principles he advanced were true, and in accordance with the
scriptures. Nor were his labors and success confined to that township alone, but
calls were made in every direction for him to preach, which he complied with, as
much as he possibly could, until his labors became very extensive, and spread
over a vast extent of country.
Wherever he went, the same success attended his ministry, and he was every where
received with kindness, and welcomed by persons of all classes. Prejudice after
prejudice, gave way on every hand -- opposition after opposition, was broken
down, and bigotry was rooted from its strong holds. The truths he advanced, were
received with gladness, and the doctrines he taught had a glorious ascendancy
wherever he had the opportunity of promulgating them.
His fame as an orator and deep reasoner in the scriptures continued to spread
far and wide, and he soon gained a popularity and an elevation which has fallen
to the lot of but few, consequently thousands flocked to hear his eloquent
When it was known where he was going to preach, there might be seen long before
the appointed time, persons of all classes, sects and denominations, flocking
like doves to their windows, from a considerable distance. The humble
pedestrian, and the rich in their splendid equipages -- might be seen crowding
the roads.
The churches in the different places, where he preached, were now no longer
large enough to contain the vast assemblies which congregated from time to time,
so that he had to repair to the wide spread canopy of heaven, and in the woods
and in the groves, he addressed the multitudes which flocked to hear him -- Nor
was his preaching in vain. It was not empty sound that so closely engaged the
attention of his audiences, and with which they were so deeply interested, but
it was the truths that were imparted, the intelligence which was conveyed, and
the duties which were enforced.
Not only did the writings of the New Testament occupy his attention, but
occasionally those of the ancient prophets, particularly those prophesies which
had reference to the present and to the future, were brought up to review and
treated in a manner entirely new, and deeply interesting. No longer did he
follow the old beaten track, which had been travelled for ages by the religious
world but he dared to enter upon new grounds; called in question the opinions of
uninspired men; shewed the foolish ideas of many commentators on the sacred
scriptures -- exposed their ignorance and contradictions -- threw new light on
the sacred volume, particularly those prophecies which so deeply interest this
generation and which had been entirely overlooked, or mystified by the religious
world -- cleared up scriptures which had heretofore appeared inexplicable, and
delighted his astonished audience with things "new and old" -- proved to a
demonstration the literal fulfilment of prophesy, the gathering of Israel in the
last days, to their ancient inheritances, with their ultimate splendor and
glory; the situation of the world at the coming of the Son of Man -- the
judgments which Almighty God would pour out upon the ungodly, prior to that
event, and the reign of Christ with his saints on the earth, in the millenium.
These important subjects could not fail to have their weight on the minds of his
hearers, who clearly discerned the situation in which they were placed, by the
sound and logical arguments which he adduced; and soon, numbers felt the
importance of obeying that form of doctrine which had been delivered them; so
that they might be accounted worthy to escape those things which were coming on
the earth, and many came forward desiring to be baptized for the remission of
sins. He accordingly commenced to baptize, and like John of old, there flocked
to him people from all the region round about -- persons of all ranks and
standings in society -- the rich, the poor, and noble and the brave, flocked to
be baptized of him. Nor was this desire confined to individuals, or families,
but whole societies threw away their creeds and articles of faith, and became
obedient to the faith he promulgated, and he soon had large and flourishing
societies throughout that whole region of country.
He now was a welcome visitor wherever he travelled -- his society was courted by
the learned, and intelligent, and the highest encomiums were bestowed upon him
for his biblical lore, and his eloquence.
The work of the ministry engaged all his time and attention, he felt deeply for
the salvation of his fellow man, and for the attainment of which, he labored
with unceasing dilligence.
August 15, 1843
this state of unexampled success, the prospect of wealth and affluence was
fairly open before him; but he looked upon it with indifference, and made every
thing subservient to the promotion of correct principles: and having food and
raiment, he learned therewith to be content. As a proof of this, his family were
in no better circumstances, and made no greater appearance in the world, than
when he labored at the occupation of tanning. His family consisted of his wife
and six children, and lived in a very small, unfinished frame house, hardly
capable of making a family comfortable; which affords a clear proof that his
affections were not set upon things of a worldly nature, or secular
After he labored in that vicinity some time, and having received but little
pecuniary aid, the members of the church which he had built up, held a meeting
to take his circumstances into consideration, and provide for his wants, and
place him in a situation suitable to the high and important office which he
sustained in the church. They resolved upon erecting him a suitable residence,
where he could make his family comfortable, and accommodate his numerous
friends, who visited him. A committee was appointed to make a purchase of land,
and to erect such buildings as were necessary. The committee soon made a
purchase of a farm in a beautiful situation in that township, made contracts for
erecting a suitable dwelling house, stable, barn &c., and soon made a
commencement on the house, and had a quantity of the building materials on the
spot. He being held in the highest respect by that people, they entered the work
with pleasure, and seemed to vie with each other in their labors of love,
believing it a duty to make their beloved pastor and his family comfortable. His
prospects, with regard to temporal things, were now brighter than they ever had
been; and he felt happy in the midst of a people who had every disposition to
promote his welfare.
Under these pleasing circumstances, and enjoying this full tide of prosperity,
he hardly thought that, for his attachment to truth, he would soon see the
prospect blasted, and himself and family reduced to a more humble situation than
At this time, it being in the fall of A. D. 1830, elders Parley P. Pratt, Ziba
Peterson, Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, called at the town, on their way to
the western boundary of the State of Missouri, testifying to the truth of the
"Book of Mormon," and that the Lord had raised up a Prophet, and restored the
priesthood. Previous to this, elder Parley Pratt had been a preacher in the same
church with elder Rigdon, and resided in the town of Amherst, Lorain county, in
that state, and had been sent into the State of New York, on a mission, where he
became acquainted with the circumstances of the coming forth of the Book of
Mormon, and was introduced to Joseph Smith, Junior, and others of the church of
Latter Day Saints. After listening to the testimony of the "witnesses," and
reading the "Book," he became convinced that it was of God, and that the
principles which they taught, were the principles of truth. He was then baptised,
and shortly after was ordained an elder, and began to preach, and from that time
became a strenous advocate of the truth.
Believing there were many in the church with whom he had formerly been united,
who were honest seekers after truth, induced him, while on his journey to the
west, to call upon his friends, and make known the great things which the Lord
had brought to pass. The first house at which they called, was elder Rigdon's;
and after the usual salutations, presented him with the Book of Mormon --
stating that it was a revelation from God. This being the first time he had ever
heard of or seen the Book of Mormon, he felt very much prejudiced at the
assertion; and replied that, "he had one Bible which he believed was a
revelation from God, and with which he pretended to have some acquaintance; but
with respect to the book they had presented him, he must say that he had
considerable doubt." Upon which they expressed a desire to investigate the
subject, and argue the matter; but he replied, "No, young gentlemen, you must
not argue with me on the subject; but I will read your book, and see what claim
it has upon my faith, and will endeavor to ascertain whether it be a revelation
from God or not." After some farther conversation on the subject, they expressed
a desire to lay the subject before the people, and requested the privilege of
preaching in elder Rigdon's church, to which he readily consented. The
appointment was accordingly published, and a large and respectable congregation
assemble. Oliver Cowdery and Parley P. Pratt severally addressed the meeting. At
the conclusion, elder Rigdon arose and stated to the congregation that the
information they had that evening received, was of an extraordinary character,
and certainly demanded their most serious consideration: and as the apostle
advised his brethren "to prove all things, and hold fast that which is good," so
he would exhort his brethren to do likewise, and give the matter a careful
investigation; and not turn against it, without being fully convinced of its
being an imposition, lest they should, possibly resist the truth.
This was, indeed, generous on the part of elder Rigdon, and gave evidence of his
entire freedom from any sectarian bias; but allowing his mind full scope to
range, untrammeled, through the scriptures, embracing every principle of truth,
and rejecting error, under whatever guise it should appear. He was perfectly
willing to allow his members the same privilege. Having received great light on
the scriptures, he felt desirous to receive more, from whatever quarter it
should come. This was his prevailing characteristic; and if any sentiment was
advanced by any one, that was new, or tended to throw light on the scriptures,
or the dealings of God with the children of men, it was always gladly received,
and treasured up in his mind. After the meeting broke up, the brethren returned
home with elder Rigdon, and conversed upon the important things which they had
proclaimed. He informed them that he should read the Book of Mormon, give it a
full investigation, and then would frankly tell them his mind and feelings on
the subject -- told them they were welcome to abide at his house until he had
opportunity of reading it.
About two miles from elder Rigdon's, at the town of Kirtland, were a number of
the members of his church, who lived together, and had all things common -- from
which circumstance has arisen the idea that this was the case with the Church of
Jesus Christ -- to which place they immediately repaired, and proclaimed the
gospel to them, with some considerable success; for their testimony was received
by many of the people, and seventeen came forward in obedience to the gospel.
While thus engaged, they visited elder Rigdon occasionally, and found him very
earnestly engaged in reading the "Book of Mormon," -- praying to the Lord for
direction, and meditating on the things he heard and read; and after a fortnight
from the time the book was put in his hands, he was fully convinced of the truth
of the work, by a revelation from Jesus Christ, which was made known to him in a
remarkable manner, so that he could exclaim "flesh and blood hath not revealed
it unto me, by my father which is in heaven."
Being now fully satisfied in his own mind of the truth of the work, and the
necessity of obedience thereto, he informed his wife of the same, and was happy
to find that she was not only diligently investigating the subject, but was
believing with all her heart, and was desirous of obeying the truth, which,
undoubtedly, was great satisfaction to his mind.
September 1, 1843
consequence of obeying the truth, and embracing a system of religion, so
unpopular as that of the Church of Jesus Christ, presented itself in the
strongest possible light.
At present, the honors and applause of the world were showered down upon him,
his wants were abundantly supplied, and were anticipated. He was respected by
the entire community, and his name was a tower of strength. His council was
sought for, respected and esteemed. -- But if he should unite with the Church of
Christ, his prospects of wealth and affluence would vanish; his family dependent
upon him for support, must necessarily share his humiliation and poverty. He was
aware that his character and his reputation must suffer in the estimation of the
Aware of all these things, there must have been feelings of no ordinary kind,
agitate his bosom at that particular crisis; but yet they did not deter him from
the path of duty. He had formerly made a sacrifice for truth and conscience
sake, and had been sustained; consequently, he felt great confidence in the
Lord, believing that if he pursued the path of duty, no good thing would be
withheld from him.
Although he felt great confidence in the Lord, yet he felt it a trial of some
magnitude, when he avowed his determination to his beloved companion, who had
before shared in his poverty, and who had cheerfully struggled through it
without murmuring or repining. -- He informed her what the consequences would
undoubtedly be respecting their worldly circumstances if they obeyed the gospel;
and then said: 'my dear, you have once followed me into poverty, are you again
willing to do the same?' She then said: 'I have weighed the matter, I have
contemplated on the circumstances in which we may be placed; I have counted the
cost, and I am perfectly satisfied to follow you; it is my desire to do the will
of God, come life or come death.' Accordingly, they were both baptized into the
Church of Jesus Christ; and, together with those who had been previously
admitted to baptism, made a little branch, in this section of Ohio, of about
twenty members, whom the brethren, bound for the borders of the Lamanites, after
adding to their number, one of their converts, Dr. Frederic G. Williams, bid an
affectionate farewell, and went on their way rejoicing.
September 15, 1843
It was in December that elder Sidney Rigdon, a sketch of whose history I have before mentioned, came to enquire of the Lord, and with him came that man, (of whom I will hereafter speak more fully,) named Edward Partridge: he was a pattern of piety, and one of the Lord's great men, known by his steadfastness, and patient endurance to the end, -- Shortly after the arrival of these two brethren, thus spake the Lord: --
A Revelation to Joseph Smith, Jun'r., and Sidney Rigdon, December 1830.
Listen to
the voice of the Lord your God, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
whose course is one eternal round, the same to-day as yesterday and forever. I
am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crusified for the sins of the world,
even as many as will believe on my name, that they may become the sons of God,
even one in me as I am in the Father, as the Father is one in me, that we may be
Behold, verily, verily, I say unto my servant Sidney, I have looked upon thee
and thy works. I have heard thy prayers, and prepared thee for a great work.
Thou art blessed, for thou shalt do great things. Behold thou wast sent forth,
even as John-to prepare the way before me, and before Elijah, which should come,
and thou knew it not. Thou didst baptise by water unto repentance, but they
received not the Holy Ghost; but now I give unto thee a commandment, that thou
shalt baptise by water, and they shall receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on
of the hands, even as the apostles of old.
And it shall come to pass, that there shall be a great work in the land, even
among the Gentiles; for their folly and their abominations shall be made
manifest in the eyes of all people: for I am God, and mine arm is not shortened,
and I will show miracles, signs and wonders, unto all those who believe on my
name. And whoso shall ask it in my name, in faith, they shall cast out devils;
they shall heal the sick, they shall cause the blind to receive their sight, and
the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk: and the time
speedily cometh, that great things are to be shown forth unto the children of
men: but without faith, shall not any thing be shown forth, except desolations
upon Babylon -- the same which has made all nations drink of the wine of the
wrath of her fornication. And there are none that doeth good, except those who
are ready to receive the fullness of my gospel, which I have sent forth to this
Wherefore, I have called upon the weak things of the world-those who are
unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my Spirit: and
their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler, and I
will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me: and their
enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their
behalf; and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them. And the poor
and the meek shall have the gospel preached unto them, and they shall be looking
forth for the time of my coming, for it is nigh at hand: and they shall learn
the parable of the fig-tree: for even now already summer is nigh, and I have
sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph: and in
weakness have I blessed him, and I have given unto him the keys of the mystery
of those things which have been sealed, even things which were from the
foundation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until
the time of my coming, if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in
his stead.
Wherefore watch over him, that his faith fail not; and it shall be given by the
Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things: and a commandment I give
unto thee, that thou shalt write for him: and the scriptures shall be given,
even as they are in mine own bosom, to the salvation of mine own elect: for they
will hear my voice, and shall see me, and shall not be asleep, and shall abide
the day of my coming, for they shall be purified, even as I am pure. And now I
say unto you, tarry with him, and he shall journey with you;-forsake him not,
and surely these things shall be fulfilled. And inasmuch as ye do not write,
behold it shall be given unto him to prophesy: and thou shalt preach my gospel,
and call upon the holy prophets to prove his words, as they shall be given him.
Keep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound, and I will cause
the heavens to shake for your good: and satan shall tremble; and Zion shall
rejoice upon the hills, and flourish; and Israel shall be saved in mine own due
time. And by the keys which I have given, shall they be led, and no more be
confounded at all. Lift up your heads and be glad: your redemption draweth nigh.
Fear not, little flock-the kingdom is yours, until I come.-Behold I come
quickly; even so. Amen.