of the biggest trials in Scientology history has revealed how celebrity
members like Danny Masterson used the church to skirt law enforcement,
witnesses and experts say
Azmi Haroun and Erin Snodgrass
Oct 27, 2022,
• A judge presiding over Danny Masterson's trial tried to keep Scientology out of the courtroom.
• But key witnesses have already opened Pandora's box, highlighting what makes the church tick.
• The women testified the church covered up their rapes, and protected Masterson, a lifelong member.
As his trial on criminal rape charges kicked off in Los Angeles last
week, "That 70's Show" actor Danny Masterson's lawyers presumed that
the Church of Scientology would be the elephant in the room throughout
Masterson is a second-generation Scientologist, and the three rape
accusers are all former members of the church. By the tenth day of the
trial, witnesses discussed the church every single day. The church's
presence was not just a metaphorical elephant in the room — it has
eclipsed elements of the trial and reverberated beyond the courtroom.
Though the Church of Scientology is not on trial with Masterson, facets
of its operation are woven throughout testimony, inextricable from the
allegations of rape witnesses have detailed. The trial is demystifying
the religious organization, particularly its celebrity allure and
hierarchy, in a way many observers have never seen before.
"This trial is one of the biggest moments in Scientology history," Tony
Ortega, a journalist who has followed Scientology since the 1990s and
broke the Masterson story in 2016 for his outlet The Underground
Bunker, told Insider.
Masterson and his legal team have denied the allegations, calling them
"outrageous" and he has pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges. In
a statement to Insider, a church spokesperson disputed the testimony
made in court by the witnesses. She added that the church demands that
its members "abide by all laws of the land" and that the church
cooperates with law enforcement.
The first few days of witness testimony have already introduced a vast
lexicon of specific church terms, offering jurors a window into the
complicated language rampant within the ominous organization. Here's
what the trial has revealed about the Church of Scientology, per
witness testimony and experts' observation of the trial.
A fear of retaliation from former members
One of Masterson's accusers, identified as Jane Doe 1, after
emotionally recounting the multiple instances she alleged that
Masterson raped her, acknowledged that some 20 years after the
incidents she still felt Scientology's invisible hand.
When asked if she still feared retaliation from Scientology for
speaking with authorities, she dryly, without missing a beat, said,
"half of this courtroom," inferring that the organization packed the
And on Tuesday, another accuser, identified as Jane Doe 3, had a panic
attack while talking about how church officials gaslit and punished her
for attempting to internally report a rape. Jane Doe 3's emotions were
so visceral that Judge Charlaine Olmedo offered her a chance to step
outside the courtroom to compose herself.
"I don't want to go out there," Jane Doe 3 said, later adding that she feared retaliation from the church at that very moment.
The celebrity factor still to come
Later in the case, prominent former Scientologist and American singer
Lisa Marie Presley may testify, marking one of the first times she has
publicly spoken about the Church since her 2012 exit.
The prosecution has planned to call her, as she and Jane Doe 1 knew
each other, and she was one of the first people that Jane Doe 1 claimed
she confided in about Masterson's sexual assault.
But celebrities are a crucial component of Scientology's operation,
said Chris Shelton, a former Scientology member and anti-cult activist.
Shelton, who worked for Scientology in the 2000s and has since
conducted academic research on the church, said the organization's
membership has been dwindling for years. The institution, however, does
not publish transparent membership numbers.
Scientology's penchant for famous people dates back to founder L. Ron
Hubbard, himself, who long stressed the importance of influential
members who could effectively evangelize.
In exchange for their clout, celebrities are catered to and pampered,
according to Shelton: "They experience a different level of
Scientology," he said.
A church spokesperson said the claims that celebrities are given special treatment is false.
Privately, it's possible that Masterson is in deep trouble with the
church for exposing Scientology to such a spectacle, Shelton said. But
publicly, the organization has painted Masterson's accusers as
vindictive liars and evidence of supposed persecution against the
"If you're an earner and you're loyal, they'll do anything for you," Shelton said.
The social hierarchy baked into Scientology
In testimony so far, accusers have claimed that through interactions
with Church officials, they were discouraged from reporting their
allegations against Masterson to authorities and that Masterson's "good
standing" in the Church led officials to protect him and lash out
against them.
On Tuesday, Jane Doe 3 testified she was instructed by Church officials
not to use the word "rape," and was told that she "pulled it in,"
meaning that she did something in this life or past life to deserve the
alleged assault. Later, she testified that she was told that if she
didn't say no, she wouldn't be raped, and that providing sex for
Masterson was part of her "exchange" and "hat," or job.
The two women testified that they eventually signed different legal
agreements with Masterson – officiated by church officials and
attorneys – after they had taken steps to report his misconduct.
Jane Doe 1 last week said that the Church gave an NDA and settlement
agreement for her to sign in 2004 – the same year she reached out to
the LAPD – which she testified that she signed, and received $400,000
for. This week, Jane Doe 3 claimed that she was threatened with
ex-communication if she didn't sign onto a 2002 agreement written by a
Church chaplain, which included a clause for her not to sue Masterson.
Both women told the courtroom that they had trusted the Church's
justice system when they initially tried to take their claims through
These functions and rules make church officials "masters of coercive control," Shelton said.
"I doubt the jury is even going to get an inkling of the levels of control it exerts over members through ethics," he said.
The three accusers have a pending civil suit filed in 2019 which lists
Scientology as a defendant, alleging that the Church has harassed and
stalked them since Los Angeles Police started investigating Masterson
in 2016. The accounts in the civil lawsuit led to three criminal
charges of forcible rape filed by the Los Angeles County District
Attorney's Office in 2020.
The Church has called the allegations in the civil suit "obvious, cynical, and self-serving fictions."
Translating Scientology's lexicon on the stand
Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 3 testified that Scientology chaplains and
"ethics officers" turned against them for sharing information about
Masterson and alleged that Masterson's close associates wrote
"knowledge reports" as kinds of witness statements denying the women's
accounts. The ultimate threat levied by the Church, the women said, was
that they were told they would be declared a "suppressive person" for
reporting the rapes to authorities.
The Church of Scientology said in response that this process is
"extremely rare and results in expulsion from the Scientology religion."
"This can be done through criminal acts already recognized by society
as unlawful or through the commitment of acts deemed Suppressive Acts
in the Scientology Justice Codes — which includes the Suppressive Act
of publicly renouncing the faith," a spokesperson told Insider. "When
someone has been expelled from the religion, that person loses both his
or her fellowship with the Church as well as with other Scientologists.
The condition lasts until they have been restored to good standing."
It's what happened to Shelton in 2013 when he finally left the church after more than 30 years.
"When I first got out, I didn't have a goal of speaking out or speaking
up," he told Insider. "But they took my whole life from me."
Jane Doe 3 echoed Shelton's experience in court on Tuesday, explaining
why she held off on speaking to authorities for years: "I'm afraid I
wouldn't have survived it," she said.

A war of words over the psyche
Scientology's followers take issue with psychiatry over cures and causes of mental disorders.
The Dallas Morning News
Sunday, July 3, 2005
DALLAS – Tom Cruise's high-profile trashing of
psychiatry should come as no shocker to anyone familiar with his
religion. Scientology says that all psychological ills are a result of
a particular kind of psycho-spiritual wound, and that medications and
other tools of modern psychiatry are useless and harmful.
What kind of religion sets up a psychological theory as
sacred doctrine? A thoroughly modern one. The Church of Scientology -
no relation to Christian Science - is barely 50 years old.
Just how successful, however, is a matter of dispute.
Scientologists count their worldwide numbers in the
millions. Many religion sociologists say the real numbers are a tenth
as large.
What can't be argued is that Scientology has some
famous adherents: Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alley among them.
It's also clear that Cruise's plugging of "War of the Worlds" has
raised the level of public curiosity about the religion.
The following are some frequently asked questions and their answers:
Q: Where did Scientology come from?
A: It's the creation of one man: L. Ron Hubbard. Best
known in the 1940s as a science-fiction author, he said he had
discovered essential truths about human psychology, which he set forth
in a 1950 book, "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health." The
book became the cornerstone of Scientology.
Q: What did he say was his big discovery?
A: Hubbard said all psychological problems, and many
physical ones, are caused by unresolved reactions to bad things that
have happened to us. In an unconscious process, the "reactive mind"
creates a permanent loop that ties up a bit of psychological energy.
Hubbard called those loops "engrams." He said that "clearing" the loops would improve psychological and physical health.
Q: Anything to it?
A: Mainstream psychology dismisses the concept of
engrams. But the idea that past psychological stress can later affect
health is widely accepted.
Q: What was L. Ron Hubbard's background?
A: He wasn't a psychologist or psychiatrist. He was born in Tilden, Neb., in 1911 and served in the Navy during World War II.
Hubbard died in 1986.
Q: What makes Scientology a religion?
A: Hubbard eventually asserted that engrams were not
simply produced in this life, but that everyone carries the residue of
billions of years of past lives. All people are said to have a
"thetan," something like a soul in other religious traditions.
Scientology recognizes the existence of an impersonal
supreme being, but one very different from the Judeo-Christian God
believed to be actively involved in human affairs.
Q: Is there anything scientific about Scientology?
A: It is certainly "scientistic" - it uses jargon and gizmos that seem scientific.
For instance, there's the "e-meter," a sort of
low-level lie detector. The person being examined - "audited" is the
official term - holds two metal cans connected by a wire to the meter.
Stress affects conductivity, so the auditor searches for words or situations that jiggle the needle.
Q: What's Scientology's beef with psychiatry?
A: Recall Scientology's origin - the assertion of a
perfect explanation for all psychological ailments. If all it takes to
cure someone of these ills is a noninvasive procedure, then drugs and
other tools of psychology, including electroshock therapy, just create
needless suffering.
Q: What controversies has the Church of Scientology been involved in?
A: Some former members and others accuse the church of
coercing people to join and punishing those who leave. Reporters who
wrote critically about Scientology said they've been harassed with
lawsuits and subjected to personal attacks.
Several governments have investigated the church on allegations of cult activities.
Q: Why are so many celebrities Scientologists?
A: It's an optical illusion. In truth, no more than a
half-dozen or so celebrities have been publicly associated with
Scientology. In addition to Cruise, Travolta and Alley, you have Kelly
Preston (Travolta's wife), Isaac Hayes, Chick Corea, Greta Van Susteren.
Q: Where can I get more information?
A: The official Web site is Of the
many sites critical of Scientology, one of the most popular is