Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watchtower False Prophecy - 1881

The laying of the foundation-stone, we think, would fitly represent the resurrection of the prophets, which resurrection would seem to be indicated by God's statement to Daniel, viz: "Go thou thy way till the end be, for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." (Dan. 12:13.) The days here referred to are mentioned in the 12th verse as "The thousand, three hundred and five and thirty days," and from 538 when the abomination was set up, (so mentioned in verse 11,) 1335 years, if prolonged to their utmost, would reach to the year 1874. [For argument, see "Day Dawn."] This is one of the arguments which prove the presence of Christ at that time for Daniel could not stand in his lot or be resurrected, until Christ came. Besides it is also a parallel to the baptism of Jesus in the Jewish age, at which time the harvest of that age begun and he was recognized as Lord of the harvest and bridegroom. So we understand the bridegroom came at a parallel point in this age and those that were ready went in. (Matt. 25:10.) Since we find that going in includes the change to spiritual bodies, it is significant that the days of Daniel and the presence of the bridegroom occur at the same time, viz: autumn of 1874, and if Daniel stood in his lot at that time, he was raised a spiritual body, and as he represents the order of prophets and their resurrection is shown by the laying of the foundation-stones of the temple, then it would seem that the temple began to be built at that time. If this be a correct application (and it seems harmonious) and the time of building is seven years, then we would expect our change by or before the fall of 1881, as from 1874 to then would be the time given for building. It is true that the parable of Matt. 25 is only in reference to the living phase of the Church. Yet we believe that while those living "virgins" go into the wedding by coming into a knowledge of the Bridegroom's presence, etc., during the seven years harvest [from 1874 to 1881] yet the parable is having as it were a fulfillment on a still higher plane during the same seven years, viz.: The going into the condition of readiness for marriage of all the chaste virgins, the dead (by resurrection) and living (by translation or change.) In going into the spiritual condition "We cannot precede them." (E. Diaglott, 1 Thess. 4:15.) As Daniel's time was up in 1874 it is reasonable to suppose that the order he represented went in at that time, since which the "dead in Christ" are being raised; and as the seven years are about complete, that we will soon follow by being changed. Matt. 25 and the parallelism of the Jewish and Gospel ages, seem to teach that the wise of the virgins "who are alive and remain" must all come in, to a knowledge of the bridegroom's presence, by the fall of 1881, when the door--opportunity to become a member of the bride--will close. Watchtower, January 1881. (we expect to be changed into spiritual beings in the fall of 1881)

The WATCH TOWER never claimed that the body of Christ will be changed to spiritual beings during this year. There is such a change due sometime. We have not attempted to say when, but have repeatedly said that it could not take place before the fall of 1881. Watchtower, May 1881. (we never said that we would be changed into spiritual beings in 1881)

The seven years of favor to the church, commencing with 1874, will end in 1881--about the 2nd of October. Now what special favor did the church enjoy during these seven years? We can get an answer best by looking at the prophetic shadow-- What favor did fleshly Israel enjoy during the seventieth week? Jesus was present--"He came to his own, and his own received him not"-- yet it was a favor to have the offer, even though the nominal church rejected him. This special part of the work, offering himself to the nominal house, lasted three and one-half years (until five days before his death) when He addressed them, saying, "How often would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her brood under her wings, but ye would not: Behold your house (the nominal church) is left unto you desolate." (Matt. 23:38.) Yet for the remainder of their covenant week (three and one-half years) he showed them favor. It was not in the same way--it was no longer an appeal to the nominal house "left desolate," but to the pure and true individuals in that house to come out of it. (The preaching of the gospel by apostles was confined to Jews, for three and one-half years after Pentecost). The gospel call was to come out on the Lord's side, separate from Judaism, and "stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free." Watchtower, May 1881. (Christendom would be out of favor with God starting about October 2, 1881)

But the teachings of THE GREAT PYRAMID are quite different. We have great respect for it, though we do not build our faith upon it. It has well been called "A Miracle in Stone," and it commends itself to us as a work of God, and not planned by men, for it seems in every respect to be in perfect accord with God's plan as we are finding it written in His Word; and this it is, that causes our respect for it. It has an entrance passage downward to a pit representing the "broad road to destruction." From this a passage starts upward-- representing the Law dispensation. This in due time enlarges and becomes a "grand gallery," seven times as high, still leading upward, representing the Gospel Age. Thirty-three inches from the beginning of the grand gallery is a well, representing the death and resurrection of Jesus. From this well there is another downward passage-way which connects with the entrance passage near the pit, and seems to teach the restoration of all men from the "horrible pit" of death, through and on account of Jesus' death. The "grand gallery" measures 1874 inches long at the top, 1878 inches long at a groove cut in its sides about midway between bottom and top and 1881 inches, at the bottom. (The upper end wall impends or slants forward). Now notice how aptly these three distinct dates (1874, 1878, 1881,) are marked by the pyramid, in ending the grand gallery, and see how ably it supports the teaching of the Bible, viz: that the gospel favors and privileges have been ending during these seven years--and will entirely cease this year. Two other ways, in which the Pyramid corroborates scripture, are these: At the top of the "grand gallery"-- just where it measures 1874 inches, there is an opening or passage-way which seems to say, something might go out or come in here. For some time we thought this might represent the "change," or catching away of the church as spiritual beings; but it would have been due in 1874 and no translation took place; then it must mean something else. It seems very plain and clear to us now that that opening can mean nothing else than what the Prophets have taught us, viz: that there the Bridegroom came a spiritual being. It fits, as all the other parts of that wonderful structure fit and harmonize with the Word. Watchtower, May 1881. (the great pyramid of Egypt proves 1881 to be a correct date)

The seven years which ended October 3d, 1881, were years of favor during the presence, that of the living generation all of readiness of heart might become members of the little flock and enter into the joys of our Lord's presence. If our application of Scripture be correct, the favor has now ended, and in the language of the parable, "the door was shut"; and to those who have never fully consecrated and sacrificed self to God, we cannot any longer hold out the great prize of our high calling, viz.: to be members of the Bride of Christ, joint heirs of Glory, Honor and Immortality. Watchtower, October/November 1881. (if you weren't a Watchtower slave before October 3, 1881 you are out of luck)