The Book of Moroni Chapter 7 Critique
Setting: An invitation is given
to enter into the rest of the Lord—Pray with real intent—The Spirit of
Christ enables men to know good from evil—Satan persuades men to deny
Christ and do evil—The prophets manifest the coming of Christ—By faith,
miracles are wrought and angels minister—Men should hope for eternal
life and cleave unto charity. About A.D. 401–421.
Verse 1: And now I, Moroni,
write a few of the words of my father Mormon, which he spake concerning
faith, hope, and charity; for after this manner did he speak unto the
people, as he taught them in the synagogue which they had built for the
place of worship.
Note: Synagogues never existed in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Although synagogues existed a long time before the destruction of the
2nd Temple in 70 CE, communal worship in the time while the Temple
still stood centered around the korbanot ("sacrificial offerings")
brought by the kohanim ("priests") in the Holy Temple. Wikipedia
Verse 2: And now I, Mormon,
speak unto you, my beloved brethren; and it is by the grace of God the
Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and his holy will, because of the
gift of his calling unto me, that I am permitted to speak unto you at
this time.
Note: Pre-Columbian natives were polytheistic pagans.
During the pre-Columbian era, human sacrifice in Maya culture was the
ritual offering of nourishment to the gods. Blood was viewed as a
potent source of nourishment for the Maya deities, and the sacrifice of
a living creature was a powerful blood offering. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 3: Wherefore, I would
speak unto you that are of the church, that are the peaceable followers
of Christ, and that have obtained a sufficient hope by which ye can
enter into the rest of the Lord, from this time henceforth until ye
shall rest with him in heaven.
Note: The first church in America was built around 1000 AD.
According to the sagas, the land around Hvalsey was claimed by Thorkell
Farserk, a cousin or uncle of Erik the Red. Christianity arrived in
Greenland around the year 1000 and churches began to be built in the
country. It is thought that Hvalsey Church was built in the early 14th
century, but archaeological finds hint that this was not the first
church in this site. The church is mentioned in several late medieval
documents as one of the 10-14 parish churches in the Eastern
Settlement. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 4-5: And now my
brethren, I judge these things of you because of your peaceable walk
with the children of men. For I remember the word of God which saith by
their works ye shall know them; for if their works be good, then they
are good also.
Note: Sidney Rigdon left out the warning about false prophets.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their
fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad
fruit.” Matthew 7:15-17.
Verses 6-9: For behold, God
hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he
offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real
intent it profiteth him nothing. For behold, it is not counted unto him
for righteousness. For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he
doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he
had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God. And
likewise also is it counted evil unto a man, if he shall pray and not
with real intent of heart; yea, and it profiteth him nothing, for God
receiveth none such.
Note: Sidney Rigdon forgoteth that Middle English did not exist in Pre-Columbian America.
Eth is a letter used in Old English, Middle English, Icelandic, Faroese
(in which it is called edd), and Elfdalian. It was also used in
Scandinavia during the Middle Ages but was subsequently replaced with
dh and later d. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Verses 10-11: Wherefore, a man
being evil cannot do that which is good; neither will he give a good
gift. For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water;
neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man
being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow
Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.
Note: Why does the LDS church not promote the cross of Christ?
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever
desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for
My sake will find it.” Luke 6:24-25.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 12-13: Wherefore, all
things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of
the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him
continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is
evil continually. But behold, that which is of God inviteth and
enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth
and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired
of God.
Note: Sidney Rigdon forgoteth that Middle English did not exist in Pre-Columbian America.
Eth is a letter used in Old English, Middle English, Icelandic, Faroese
(in which it is called edd), and Elfdalian. It was also used in
Scandinavia during the Middle Ages but was subsequently replaced with
dh and later d. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Verses 14-15: Wherefore, take
heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to
be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil. For
behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know
good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with
a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.
Note: God not man will be the final Judge of all.
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general
assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to
God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus
the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that
speaks better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 12:22-24.
Verses 16-17: For behold, the
Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from
evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing
which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is
sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with
a perfect knowledge it is of God. But whatsoever thing persuadeth men
to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God,
then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after
this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good,
no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject
themselves unto him.
Note: Sidney Rigdon forgoteth that Middle English did not exist in Pre-Columbian America.
Eth is a letter used in Old English, Middle English, Icelandic, Faroese
(in which it is called edd), and Elfdalian. It was also used in
Scandinavia during the Middle Ages but was subsequently replaced with
dh and later d. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 18-19: And now, my
brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which
light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for
with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.
Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently
in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will
lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will
be a child of Christ.
Note: Christians are children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 20-21: And now, my
brethren, how is it possible that ye can lay hold upon every good
thing? And now I come to that faith, of which I said I would speak; and
I will tell you the way whereby ye may lay hold on every good thing.
Note: Sharing your faith in Jesus Christ will be confirmed by every good thing.
I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers, hearing of
your love and faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all
the saints, that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the
acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.
Philemon 1:4-6.
Verse 22: For behold, God
knowing all things, being from everlasting to everlasting, behold, he
sent angels to minister unto the children of men, to make manifest
concerning the coming of Christ; and in Christ there should come every
good thing.
Note: Early Mormons quickly became heretics and still are.
I formed the following couplet which expresses the revelation, as it
was shown me. …“As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may
be.” Feeling that he had received “a sacred communication” that he
should guard carefully, Lorenzo Snow did not teach the doctrine
publicly until he knew that the Prophet Joseph Smith had taught it.
Once he knew the doctrine was public knowledge, he testified of it
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 23-25: And God also
declared unto prophets, by his own mouth, that Christ should come. And
behold, there were divers ways that he did manifest things unto the
children of men, which were good; and all things which are good cometh
of Christ; otherwise men were fallen, and there could no good thing
come unto them. Wherefore, by the ministering of angels, and by every
word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to
exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon
every good thing; and thus it was until the coming of Christ.
Note: Exercising faith does not exist in Christian thought.
But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith
in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. Galatians 3:22.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 26: And after that he
came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they
become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these
words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the
Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall
receive, behold, it shall be done unto you.
Note: Christian prayer requests should bring glory to Jesus Christ.
“And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 27: Wherefore, my beloved
brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into
heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to claim of the
Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men?
Note: The Holy Spirit does not change.
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are
differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities
of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the
manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another
the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the
same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to
another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another
discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to
another the interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:4-10.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 28: For he hath answered
the ends of the law, and he claimeth all those who have faith in him;
and they who have faith in him will cleave unto every good thing;
wherefore he advocateth the cause of the children of men; and he
dwelleth eternally in the heavens.
Note: Sidney Rigdon forgoteth that Middle English did not exist in Pre-Columbian America.
Eth is a letter used in Old English, Middle English, Icelandic, Faroese
(in which it is called edd), and Elfdalian. It was also used in
Scandinavia during the Middle Ages but was subsequently replaced with
dh and later d. Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Verses 29-31: And because he
hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say
unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children
of men. For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to
the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith
and a firm mind in every form of godliness. And the office of their
ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfil and to do the
work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the
children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men, by
declaring the word of Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord, that
they may bear testimony of him.
Note: Spiritual gifts will aid a Christian in their testimony of Jesus Christ.
I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was
given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by
Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ
was confirmed in you, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly
waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also
confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our
Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:4-8.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 32: And by so doing, the
Lord God prepareth the way that the residue of men may have faith in
Christ, that the Holy Ghost may have place in their hearts, according
to the power thereof; and after this manner bringeth to pass the
Father, the covenants which he hath made unto the children of men.
Note: Fulfillment of God’s covenants are not determined by men.
For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my
brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to
whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the
law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and
from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the
eternally blessed God. Amen. Romans 9: 3-5.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 33-34: And Christ hath
said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever
thing is expedient in me. And he hath said: Repent all ye ends of the
earth, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, and have faith in
me, that ye may be saved.
Note: Sidney Rigdon added to the words of Jesus Christ.
“And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the
Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him
up at the last day.” John 6:40.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one." The word
baptize comes from Greek baptizein which means, "to dip in water."
Verses 35-38: And now, my
beloved brethren, if this be the case that these things are true which
I have spoken unto you, and God will show unto you, with power and
great glory at the last day, that they are true, and if they are true
has the day of miracles ceased? Or have angels ceased to appear unto
the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost
from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall
stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved?
Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are
wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men;
wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men,
for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain. For no man can be
saved, according to the words of Christ, save they shall have faith in
his name; wherefore, if these things have ceased, then has faith ceased
also; and awful is the state of man, for they are as though there had
been no redemption made.
Note: Christians accepted the message of Christ crucified for salvation.
For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know
God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to
save those who believe. For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block
and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1
Corinthians 1:21-24.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Note: The word "nay" was unknown in Pre-Columbian America.
The earliest known use of the word nay is in the Middle English period (1150 - 1500).
Verses 39-44: But behold, my
beloved brethren, I judge better things of you, for I judge that ye
have faith in Christ because of your meekness; for if ye have not faith
in him then ye are not fit to be numbered among the people of his
church. And again, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you
concerning hope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall
have hope? And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you
that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power
of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because
of your faith in him according to the promise. Wherefore, if a man have
faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any
hope. And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and
hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart. If so, his faith and
hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and
lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses
by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs
have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he
must needs have charity.
Note: Hope is the final product of having faith in Jesus Christ.
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by
faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the
glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations,
knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance,
character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because
the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit
who was given to us. Romans 5:1-5.
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verses 45-46: And charity
suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up,
seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and
rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all
things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing,
for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the
greatest of all, for all things must fail—
Note: Sidney Rigdon plagiarized the Old King James Bible.
suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not
itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not
her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in
iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all
things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth:
but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be
tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish
away. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
Verse 47: But charity is the
pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found
possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Note: Christians will have love as a component of their character.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."
Verse 48: Wherefore, my beloved
brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye
may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are
true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of
God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see
him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even
as he is pure. Amen.
Note: Sidney Rigdon plagiarized the Old King James Bible.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not
yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we
shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that
hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 1 John
Note: Greek was unknown in pagan Pre-Columbian America.
Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning "anointed one."