According to the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics, extreme inbreeding can be suspected if over 10 per cent of the DNA sequence in an individual has runs of homozygosity. 

Homozygosity is the term given to stretches of the genetic code that are identical, and therefore must have been inherited from both the mother, and the father. 

If this is significantly higher than normal, it can indicate a person's parents are closely related.

Extreme inbreeding (EI) is often defined as genome-wide homozygosity consistent with mating between first or second degree relatives.   

This includes children created when parents and their offspring (first degree) have a child. 

It also considers that of children born from the intercourse of half-siblings (second degree). 

In many countries, mating between close relatives is forbidden by law.  

For example, mating between first- or second-degree relatives is explicitly prohibited by the Sexual Offences Act (2003) in the UK.  

Nevertheless, law enforcement records in the UK and other countries show that EI does occur.  

These few cases are likely under-reported because of the social stigma attached to them, experts say.  

More than 13,000 people in the UK have been born out of 'extreme inbreeding' and the illegal incestuous trysts of close relatives, study claims


Study looked at the UK Biobank's genetic information of 456,414 individuals  

Researchers studied any unusually high prevalence of homozygosity in people

This is an indicator that a person's parents are closely related to each other 

Found evidence of people whose parents are first- or second-degree relatives

This includes children created when parents and their offspring have a child as well as children born from the intercourse of half-siblings  


PUBLISHED: 11:00 EST, 3 September 2019 | UPDATED: 12:19 EST, 3 September 2019 

Scientists believe that more than 13,000 people in the UK have DNA which indicates they are the result of 'extreme inbreeding'.   

Analysis of the UK Biobank data-bank by researchers at the University of Queensland uncovered evidence of people with whose parents are considered to be first- or second-degree relatives. 

This includes children created when parents and their offspring (first degree) have a child. 

It also assessed children born from the intercourse of half-siblings (second degree).  

The researchers say scaling up the research is difficult due to the limitations of the data-set, but claim the real number may be even higher than the extrapolated 13,200 figure from the paper.  

People born out of such extreme inbreeding often suffer myriad health concerns, the researchers confirm.   

This includes reduced lung function, fertility, cognitive function and a 44 per cent higher risk of all diseases.  

The analysis into inbreeding and its potential effects on health are published in the journal Nature Communications. 

Dr Loic Yengo led the research and estimated the prevalence of extreme inbreeding using anonymous data from 456,414 individuals in the UK Biobank.  

It looked for an unusually high amount of homozygosity, the term given to stretches of the genetic code that are identical and therefore must have been inherited from both the mother, and the father.  

If this is significantly higher than normal, it can indicate a person's parents are closely related.  

'These runs of homozygosity are identical sections of DNA and can be used by geneticists to study the association between the proportion of a person's genome that is homozygous and measurements on that individual.  

'This is the first time that ten per cent or more homozygosity in the genome has been quantified in a sample of nearly half a million people,' said Dr Yengo.  

The authors chose the threshold of ten per cent because, according to the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics, extreme inbreeding can be suspected if over ten per cent of the DNA sequence in an individual has runs of homozygosity. 

They then looked at whether this was associated with a number of health outcomes.

Among the participants included in the study, the authors found 125 individuals whose genetic data suggested that they were offspring of first- or second-degree relatives. 


Effects of Centuries of Extreme Inbreeding Among Muslims: Low IQ, Violence and Terrorism

Taboo: Almost half of Muslims are inbred. How does that affect intelligence and health? And is there a connection to terrorism and violence?

By Nicolai Sennels, Psychologist
June 1, 2017

Lise Egholm, long time school leader in the Muslim dominated area of Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark, recently warned against not talking about the widespread practise of inbreeding among Muslims: “”A study shows that infant mortality doubles along with a high risk of congenital malformations, also that increased birth defect rates and inheritance of recessive traits are more common in consanguineous marriages. I think it’s time to express concern. We must talk about this problem. All parents want healthy children. Fortunately, we live in a society where our health system does much to ensure that a pregnancy ends with a viable child. What amazes me and has made me wonder for years is why we do not talk about, maybe they even ban, the many cousin marriages?”

While health systems in otherwise less developed countries in the Muslim world are openly discussing and warning against consanguineous marriages, it is considered politically incorrect in the West to problematize the vast genetic and societal problems resulting from this religious-cultural practise.


Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguineous (cousin marriages), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.). In Pakistan 70 percent of marriages are consanguineous and in Turkey the percentage is 25-30. There seems to be no national data on Indonesia, but there are reports on 17 percent consanguinity on East Timor and a “high level of consanguineous marriages in some areas of Java.”

Except for a few exceptions like Indonesia and Albania, roughly half of the population in the Islamic world is inbred, in most cases for generations.


The reason is partly religious. Muhammed himself married his cousin and according to the Quran, Allah allows sexual relationships between cousins (Quran 4:23-24).

According to Islamic law, Sharia, family honor is dependent upon the ability to control family members, which is another reason for keeping daughters inside their own blood-related family when marrying.

Sharia law’s extreme restrictions on women’s freedom of movement and contact with men probably also makes it more natural to marry one of the few men they are actually allowed to interact with.

Health and intelligence

A long list of mental and physical complications are related to inbreeding between cousins. These include an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia, and mental retardation. Mental retardation (less than an IQ of 69)
in children of consanguineous marriages is five times more frequent than in normal marriages. On average, cousin marriages results in children with 10-16 points lower IQ. Social abilities, including empathy, are also less developed with inbred people.

The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes. When it comes to the production of scientific work, the Islamic world produces less than 1/10 of the world average. Low average intelligence in the population and prioritizing faith over knowledge may also be the reason why fewer books have been translated into Arabic over the last 1,000 years than there are books translated in Spain every year.
On top of these mental complications comes the increased risk of many diseases related to genetic disorders leading to severe syndromes, handicaps, painful diseases, and decreased life expectancy.

Terror and violence

According to the Danish police, cousin-marriage is a cause for criminal behaviour because of low intelligence. This claim is confirmed by criminology research that long has established a connection between violent criminal behaviour and low intelligence.

It is also likely, that it is easier to convince people with low intelligence to follow the Islamic scriptures’ hundreds of invitations and direct orders to harm, terrorize and wage war against people – including fellow Muslims, even family members – who do not following a literal interpretation of those scriptures.

Another link between Muslim inbreeding and terror concerns handicaps and mental diseases. Yusuf Yadgari of the Medical University of Kabul has autopsied the remains of suicide bombers and his findings support this theory. Yadgari found that close to ninety percent were suffering from severe illness such as blindness, cancer, missing limbs or leprosy. Many Muslim societies, including that of Afghanistan, have a low social acceptance of handicaps and severe illnesses. According to Yadgari, being physically handicapped or mentally retarded often leads to exclusion in a society like Afghanistan, and becoming a martyr might be the only chance of achieving social recognition and honour — if not just a way to end the pain of being socially isolated (which is especially traumatizing in collectivist cultures like Islam). Al Qaida’s use of people with Down’s syndrome to commit terrorist attacks might be another unpleasant side effect of the many chromosomal illnesses that result from inbreeding between first cousins.

Ban cousin marriages?

A ban on consanguineous marriages is a win-win policy.

It will save million of future children and their families from suffering. School leader Lise Egholm gives an example:

“One second grade class had a reading test. Fortunately most children did very well. However, a small Turkish boy only had two correct answers out of 40. The teacher was very concerned and asked me to attend the a meeting with the mother. I looked at the student card and wondered that the family apparently only had one child. The mother said there had been three, but two died as infants because ‘we have bad blood’. She explained that her husband was her cousin, his parents were cousins and her own parents were blood related too. She also said, ‘You can not teach my boy much, but it’s good that he lives.’ Soon after he was referred to a special school. This mother also told me that it was the men who were stupid because they want that ‘we marry our cousin, so we get bigger pieces of land, but they do not understand what we women know: that it is dangerous for the children if their parents are blood related.’ These two examples are from Turkish families, but I have encountered similar problems with Pakistani people and in Arab-speaking families.”

On top of these issues, tax payers would save billions from not having to handle the many costly societal challenges related to consanguineous marriage. Integrating into advanced cultures with our high-tech work market is not easy with an IQ of 75 and decreased social abilities.

Finally, it is likely that such a ban would decrease the amount of violence in our countries.

Similar benefits would come from banning migrants with consanguineous background who apply for residence.

Muslim Inbreeding

Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins.

This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.

The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia, 64% in Jordan and Kuwait, 63% in Sudan, 60% in Iraq, and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.

The risk of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.

Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.

Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies.

The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as retarded, increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages.

(Similar effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant  period of time.)

In Denmark, non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.

Sennels says that the ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world. He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does.

In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.

Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West. A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.

Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the Peace Prize. According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to scientific research (measured by articles per million inhabitants).

In Denmark, Sennels native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs. One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background.

Learning ability is severely affected as well. Studies indicated that 64% of school children with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant drop-out rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.

Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of the patients in  Denmark ’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background.

The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.

Sennels concludes:

There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims' religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences.

Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign and morally equivalent alternative to  the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims.

Simple Christian compassion for Muslims and a common-sense desire to protect Western civilization from the ravages of Islam dictate a vigorous opposition to the spread of this dark and dangerous religion.

These stark realities must be taken into account when we establish public policies dealing with immigration from Muslim countries and the building of mosques in the U.S.