Muslim Love for Ramadan
It’s Ramadan — Get with the Program, Infidels!
MAR 12, 2025 2:00 PM
a big event. Not a truck running over, killing dozens of pedestrians.
Not a suicide bombing at a pizzeria or a Passover service. Not a
massacre of schoolgirls, as at Ma’alot. Not the systematic murder of
Olympic athletes as at Munich. Not a machete attack on a soldier out
for a jog in London. No, this instructive little tale is about just one
small but significant event, out of many thousands of similar events,
that take place each day in Europe, where Muslims decide to make the
indigenous Infidels conform to Muslim rules. Instead of integrating
into European societies, many Muslims want the non-Muslims to adjust to
Muslim demands. In this case, it was just a matter of a sandwich being
quietly consumed on a bus in Italy. Mangia, mangia, Italian mothers
tell their children, even during Ramadan. But in Italy today, the
Muslim “guests of the nation,” as some mordantly call them, are in
Italy not to integrate into the host society, but to live on the
largesse lavished upon them by the Italian taxpayers, whose government
provides Muslim economic migrants’ with free or greatly subsidized
housing, free medical care, free education, including vocational
training and language instruction, and even with family allowances,
while those Muslims offer nothing in return save contempt for the
non-Muslims whom the Qur’an describes as “the most vile of created
This Ramadan, two Muslim girls on a bus in Italy took it upon
themselves to act like the religious police in Iran and Saudi Arabia,
enforcing Muslim strictures — but in this case, they decided to hit,
slap, beat up, a non-Muslim girl for not observing a Muslim law while
screaming “it’s Ramadan. You can’t eat anything.” The story is here:
“Two girls beat up a girl their age on the bus for a sandwich: ‘It’s
Ramadan, you can’t eat.’ Then they attack the driver,” translated from
“Due ragazze picchiano coetanea sul bus per un panino: “C’è il Ramadan,
non puoi mangiare”. Poi aggrediscono l’autista,” Il Giorno, March 5,
2025 (thanks to Medforth):
Attack on board a bus on the Cremona-Spinadesco line. Two girls of
foreign origin allegedly slapped an Italian girl of the same age
because she was eating a sandwich on the bus, insulting her: “Bitch,
you can’t eat, it’s Ramadan”. When the driver then intervened to defend
the young woman, the two allegedly pushed him and scratched him in the
face, breaking his glasses and sending him to the emergency room.
The facts, reported by the newspaper La Provincia di Cremona,
supposedly occurred on Tuesday, March 4 and were recounted by the
driver himself, 52 years old, once he left the hospital after five days
of treatment. The man said that some women raised the alarm: “Driver,
they are fighting, stop!”. At that point he stopped, opened all the
doors and ordered them to get off the bus. “I saw that at that moment
they were slapping the Italian girl. I immediately called the police
who arrived immediately, within a couple of minutes”.
The bus driver was hospitalized for five days. That means his wounds
were not minor. The two girls had broken his glasses — did shards of
that glass enter his eyes? Or was there some other injury that would
require that five-day stay in the hospital?
Think about it. These two Muslim girls saw an Italian girl quietly
eating a sandwich. They were enraged at this violation of what is
supposed to be a rule observed only by Muslims during the holy month,
of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat during the day. The girl was not a
Muslim, but Italy, in their eyes, was no longer her country. For them,
it is a place where millions of Muslims now live, and Muslim rules,
those girls beating her believed, must apply to everyone, Muslim and
non-Muslim alike.
The girls were made to get off, but when one of the two jumped off the
bus – said the driver – “she pushed me in the stomach. The other one
then started pushing me, broke my glasses, scratched my face”. The
driver said he will file a complaint with the police, attaching the
medical report.
The news has sparked strong reactions. The attack was harshly
criticized by the Muslim community. “Muslims living in Italy must
respect the laws of the country and behave as responsible citizens. If
we want to be respected, we must first of all respect others and the
context in which we live,” commented Aftab Ahmed, a member of the
Immigrants’ Council and president of the association Immigrati
Cittadini Onlus of Cremona.
“It is deeply deplorable and goes against the principles of Islam, as
well as against the laws and values of Italian society. Islam,” added
Aftab, “teaches respect, not imposition. It promotes tolerance,
peaceful coexistence. And Ramadan, in particular, is not just a month
of fasting, but a period of inner purification, self-control and
solidarity. Fasting does not simply mean abstaining from food and
water, but also from intolerance, arrogance and aggression. No one has
the right to impose their religious practices on others, much less by
force. Whether it is Ramadan or any other religious occasion, we must
demonstrate through our actions that our faith teaches tolerance,
respect and peaceful coexistence. Every violation of the rules does not
only harm the individual, but compromises the image of the entire
Muslim community.”
Damage control from Aftab Ahmed, as befits his communal position.. He
had to say something to distance the “Muslim community” from this
outrage. A question for Mr. Aftab Ahmed: Do your imams preach the same
message in the mosques, instructing Muslims that they must not try to
enforce Muslim rules on non-Muslims, and must always obey the laws of
the (Infidel) land? The fact is there are too many incidents, all over
Western Europe, where Muslims try to enforce Muslim rules on
non-Muslims, and not only during Ramadan.
In contrast, the deputy of the Lega, Silvia Sardone, defined the
incident as “emblematic of what the most radical Islam is: violence and
oppression towards those who are not Muslims. And yet there are still
some, on the left, who continue to bow to the growing Islamization,
closing schools for Ramadan, adapting the canteen menus to please the
various Muslim communities and even allowing the niqab in class.”
Last year, a K-12 public school near Milan closed for the Feast of Eid
al-Fitr, held on the last day of Ramadan, thus forcing the majority of
students who were not Muslim, and their parents, to rearrange their
schedules, find babysitters for the younger children, in order to
accommodate a Muslim minority. In some Italian schools, pork products
have been banned so as not to offend Muslims. The niqab, which covers
the face but allows a slit for the eyes has been allowed as suitable
clothing in a few schools. All of this has angered many Italians,
including the head of the Lega Party, Matteo Salvini.
What will happen to those two girls? How old are they? If old enough,
will they be charged with assault and battery on both the girl with the
sandwich and the bus driver? After serving their sentences or paying
their fines, could they be deported when they are no longer minors? How
likely is it that they will ever become productive, law-abiding, and
non-violent citizens of Italy, and not permanent drains on the
exchequer and presences threatening to Infidels when out in public? You
know the answer to that.
Syria’s Jihadists Celebrate Ramadan With Mass Killings
MAR 9, 2025 3:00 PM
Every Ramadan, the
U.S., Israel and various non-Muslim countries are warned to refrain
from any military actions against Muslim terrorists because that would
be “deeply offensive” to Muslims worldwide.
However, Muslims killing non-Muslims or other Muslims over Ramadan is just fine.
Currently the death
toll from fighting between the Turkish-backed former Al Qaeda affiliate
HTS, which took over Syria, and Alawites linked to the former
Iran-backed regime, along with assorted others, including Christians,
swept up in the killings, has surpassed over 1,000 people.
Supposedly most of the dead are ‘civilians’, but considering similar
lies told about conflicts in Iraq, Gaza and Afghanistan, there’s no way
to really know. Many of the players appear to be foreign Jihadis
brought in by HTS and who have taken over key parts of the government.
Al Jazeera is cheering on the Jihadis (unsurprisingly since it’s an arm
of Qatar, a state sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood and many of its
associated terror groups) while other media outlets are more skeptical.
In any case, it’s the farthest from a peaceful Ramadan, but there
really is no such as a peaceful Ramadan anyway. The ‘spirit of the
season’ within Islam tends toward violence, not peacefulness.
Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS' Ramadan message
Published June 26, 2015
gunned down dozens of tourists on a Tunisian beach, left a severed head
atop a fence outside a French factory and blew up a Kuwaiti mosque
Friday in a bloody wave of attacks that followed an ISIS leader’s call
to make the month of Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels."
There was no
confirmation that the attacks were a coordinated effort ordered by
ISIS, but the suspects who attacked a U.S.-owned gas factory in
southeastern France left the terrorist army's flags next to the severed
head of their victim, and an ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for
the deadly Kuwait blast.
If the attacks
were indeed an answer to ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani's recent
call for savagery, it would represent a hideous perversion of Islam's
most holy period, which began June 17 and ends July 17.
“While we’re
still working to determine whether the attacks were coordinated or
directed by ISIL (Islamic State), they bear the hallmarks that have
defined ISIL’s violent ideology or those inspired by such hatred. There
is no doubt that ISIL poses a continuing threat, and we remain
concerned about its ability to direct or inspire attacks beyond Iraq
and Syria,” A U.S. official told Fox News Friday.
"The attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered, decapitated and with inscriptions."
- French President Francois Hollande
Jihadists should
make Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels ... Shi'ites and
apostate Muslims," Al-Adnani said in a recent audio message. "Muslims
everywhere, we congratulate you over the arrival of the holy month. Be
keen to conquer in this holy month and to become exposed to martyrdom."
More on this...
Suspect, possible accomplices arrested in France attack
Decapitated body found at scene of terror attack in France
The attack in
France occurred first, Friday morning in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier,
northwest of the Alpine city of Grenoble. Two suspects dressed as
deliverymen crashed a car into an industrial gas plant operated by
Allentown, Pa.,-based Air Products & Chemicals, stormed inside and
killed at least one person. The head of the victim was left on a fence,
with Arabic phrases scrawled on it and ISIS flags nearby, Sky News
reported, citing French legal sources.
The unnamed
victim was a businessman at a local transportation company and the boss
of a man arrested in connection with the attack.
simultaneously, a gunman opened fire with an automatic rifle on a beach
in Sousse-- a Tunisian coastal town popular with tourists-- killing at
least 37 and wounding 36. The Health Ministry said the dead include
Tunisians, Brits, Germans and Belgians.
A third attack
killed at least 25 and wounded more than 200 in a Shia mosque in Kuwait
City, the Ministry of Interior said. A suicide bomber purportedly
from ISIS affiliate Najd Province targeted Shiite worshippers after
midday prayers at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in the residential neighborhood
of al-Sawabir in Kuwait's capital, Kuwait City. It was the first
terrorist attack in Kuwait in more than two decades.
comprised of Sunni Muslims, and its members have a long and bloody
history with Shia Muslims, as evidenced by Al-Adnani's call. The attack
came immediately following Friday prayers. There was no claim of
responsibility, but ISIS has claimed responsibility for bombings at two
different Shiite mosques in Saudi Arabia in recent weeks.
French officials wasted no time labeling Friday's attack an act of terrorism.
attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered,
decapitated and with inscriptions," French President Francois Hollande
told a news conference in Brussels, where he cut short his attendance
at an EU summit to return to France.
Hollande and his
Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi expressed “solidarity in the
face of terrorism,” according to a statement by Hollande’s office, reported.
Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said at least one man--a 30-year-old
extremist known to authorities named Yassin Sahli-- was under arrest
following the France attack. The suspect from Lyon was seized by an
alert firefighter.
Other people,
including the man's wife, were also taken into custody after the
attack, A second suspect arrested at his home in
Saint-Quentin-Fallavier was reportedly seen driving back and forth past
the factory before the attack, the Dauphine Libere newspaper reported.
A manhunt is underway for any other suspects involved.
Cazeneuve, speaking from the scene, described the attack as "barbarous"
and a "terrible terrorist crime." He said the suspect had been known to
foreign intelligence services since 2006, but that police monitoring of
him had ceased in 2008. The man did not have a criminal record, the
minister added.
French authorities told Fox News that approximately 10 people were injured.
The factory is operated by Air Products & Chemicals, an Allentown, Pa.,-based company that makes industrial gases.
"Our priority at
this stage is to take care of our employees, who have been evacuated
from the site and all accounted for," the company said in a statement.
"Our crisis and emergency response teams have been activated and are
working closely with all relevant authorities."
A local official confirmed the nation is on high alert.
"The terrorism threat is at a maximum," Alain Juppe, mayor of Bordeaux, told Fox News.
The United
Nations, the U.S and other countries condemned Friday’s attacks. U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said those "responsible for such
appalling acts of violence must be swiftly brought to justice" and
Interpol offered its help to all three nations.
In Washington,
Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said it was too soon to tell
whether the three attacks were the work of Islamic State extremists but
added "we unequivocally condemn these terrorist attacks.
analysts said the attacks could be so-called “lone wolves” answering
the call to attack ISIS enemies during the holy period.
“It is very
likely that ISIS' supporters acted due to the call for attacks during
Ramadan,” said Ryan Mauro, of the New York-based terrorism research
institute Clarion Project. “It is appealing to ISIS supporters on a
personal level because it gives their attacks some more religious
could look to the attacks, recent ISIL leadership statements, or other
markers—such as last year’s declaration of its so-called caliphate—to
spur additional violence,” the U.S. official said.
anti-terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation into the
incident. The country went on high alert after a series of attacks in
January that left 20 people dead in and around Paris region, including
the Islamic terrorists. In the Jan. 7 attack at the satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo, two radical Muslim brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi,
heavily armed and incensed over the publishing of caricatures of
Muhammad, stormed the magazine's offices and killed 12, including
staffers and a police officer.
hunted down the Kouachi brothers for three days, until finally
cornering them in a Paris printing house and killing them in a
shootout. As police searched for the brothers’, a friend and fellow
home grown Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly, took at least 15 people
hostage at a kosher supermarket in Paris. After a long standoff,
police stormed the market, killing him. Four hostages were also killed
in the incident.
Ramadan is the
ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar when Muslims celebrate the
Koran. They also often fast-- primarily from eating and drinking-- from
sunrise to sunset every day of the month to teach empathy for those who
have less. Fasting and reading the Koran during Ramadan should
encourage charity, kindness and social justice, especially to the needy
and poor.
Fox News Channel's Catherine Herridge and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
IS calls for jihad, martyrdom during Ramadan
June 24, 2015
- Islamic State group spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani called on
Tuesday for Muslims to engage in jihad and become martyrs during the
holy fasting month of Ramadan.
also announced an amnesty for people who fought against IS in Iraq's
Anbar province, and called on residents who had fled violence there to
return home.
best acts that bring you closer to God are jihad, so hurry to it and
make sure to carry out the invasion this holy month and be exposed to
martyrdom in it," Adnani said in an audio message posted online.
"These are your weapons and this is Ramadan."
which began last week, is the holy month in the Muslim calendar during
which believers observe a fast from dawn to sunset every day.
repeated a call by IS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi for those who fled
Anbar, where IS seized provincial capital Ramadi last month, to return.
"Oh people of Anbar, return to your homes and go back to your people," he said.
to the International Organization for Migration, more than 275,000
people fled the Ramadi area between April and mid-June.
also announced a "last chance" for tribesmen, soldiers and police,
calling on them to "repent" and surrender their weapons as a sign of
good faith.
singled out the Jughaifa tribe that is besieged in the town of Haditha,
saying it faces utter destruction if it does not surrender.
If they do not "repent", then "for generations those passing Haditha will say: 'The Jughaifa were here, and their houses'."
IS has previously executed hundreds of security personnel and tribesmen
who opposed the group, it is unlikely that many will take up the offer.
IS launched a brutally effective offensive last June that overran large areas north and west of Baghdad.
forces have made major gains in Diyala and Salaheddin provinces north
of Baghdad, but much of the country's west is still in IS hands.
Dozens killed and injured in Sanaa mosque blasts
Middle East Eye
17 June 2015
bombs exploded outside mosques frequented by Houthis on the eve of
Ramadan, while a fifth targeted the house of a Houthi militiaman.
The Yemeni capital was rocked on Wednesday night by five bombs that targeted mosques and a house of a senior Houthi militaman.
people were killed, according to AFP, with dozens feared injured, as
the bombs exploded almost simultaneously just after sundown on the eve
of Ramadan.
car bombs targeted mosques, while a third hit the house of the head of
the Houthi militia politburo, Saleh al-Sammad. Explosive devices also
went off at two other mosques.
It was not immediately possible to obtain a more detailed breakdown of the numbers of people killed and wounded.
footage that purports to be from the scene of one of the explosions,
outside the Green Dome Mosque in Hayel Street, shows fire spreading to
nearby buildings after the huge blast.
A separate clip shows bystanders rushing to the site of the blasts to try and rescue the wounded.
The mosques that were targeted were frequented by Houthi supporters, according to Yemeni journalist Nasser Arabyee.
The mosques are in residential areas of the city populated by civilians.
Sayaghi, a Yemeni whose house is 200m from the site of the Green Dome
mosque bombing, told Middle East Eye that he heard a "huge" explosion
from where he was standing at a hospital nearly a kilometre from the
blast site.
blast happened exactly at the time of sundown prayers. As is the case
after every explosion, huge crowds of people gathered at the site of
the bombing.
am extremely scared of more explosions happening - I pass by this
street several times a day. We never expected something like this to
happen where we live."
al-Omeisy, a Yemeni analyst based in the south of Sanaa, reported
hearing ambulances speeding towards the site of the blasts in the north
of the capital, raising fears of a high number of casualties.
State (IS) in Yemen, which recently announced that it has active
branches in Yemen, put out an official statement just over an hour
after the attacks claiming responsibility for them.
the statement, IS said the attacks had been carried out "as revenge for
Muslims against the Rafidi Houthis," using a derogatory term for Shiite
Two previous similar attacks involving bombs placed outside mosques have later been claimed by IS.
bombing in late May that wounded 13 people at a Houthi-affiliated
mosque followed an earlier attack in which at least 142 people were
killed by four simultaneous mosque bombings.
UN struggles to get peace talks off the ground
attacks come while Yemeni officials involved in a political deadlock
are gathered in the Swiss city of Geneva for a round of UN-sponsored
peace talks.
Foreign Minister of the elected government under President Abd Rabbuh
Mansour Hadi warned on Wednesday night that, with just 48 hours still
available for negotiations, the Houthis were "attempting to waste time
and enforce their own vision".
Houthi militiamen, fighting alongside groups allied to deposed former
president Ali Abdullah Saleh, are locked in conflict with the
government of President Hadi, who is operating a government from exile
in Saudi Arabia.
third day of the high stakes talks, launched by UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon with an appeal for a badly-needed two-week humanitarian
truce, stumbled over the makeup of the different delegations.
only positive point so far is that the negotiations are continuing and
that no delegation has slammed the door," said a Western diplomat close
to the talks.
the positions of the two warring sides are so divergent that they are
not sitting in the same room and the UN is holding separate
consultations with them.
a situation like this, the Yemenis need to talk among themselves, not
with the United Nations," UN special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould
Cheikh Ahmed, said.
Ould Cheikh Ahmed has insisted that just getting the two sides to Geneva at the same time was "an achievement".
Beyond being in the same city though, neither side has shown any signs they are prepared to budge on the issues.
late March the Houthi militiamen have been pounded by airstrikes from a
Saudi-led coalition, and have responded with anti-aircraft fire which
is said to have killed more people in Sanaa than the airstrikes.
2,000 people have been killed since the airstrikes began, and
previously preventable diseases like dengue fever have become
Qaeda executes Saudi members for 'spying' for US
al-Qaeda in Yemen executed on Wednesday two Saudi accused of spying for
the United States, a day after the militant group confirmed the death
of its leader in a US drone strike.
were accused of planting tracking chips in vehicles and clothes used by
al-Qaeda leaders, allowing drones to target them, a local official in
southeastern Mukalla said.
their public execution by a firing squad in the al-Qaeda-held city,
their bodies were tied to poles, the official and witnesses said.
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, considered by Washington as the most
dangerous affiliate of the global network, was formed in 2009 following
a merger of the Yemeni and Saudi branches.
confirmed in an online video dated 15 June the death of its leader
Nasir al-Wuhayshi, who was number two in al-Qaeda, along with two other
militants in a US drone strike last week.
other senior al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen -- ideologue Ibrahim al-Rubaish
and Nasser al-Ansi, who appeared in a video claiming the January
massacre on French magazine Charlie Hebdo -- were killed in similar US
strikes in April.
Iraq attacks make for deadly start to holy month
By ADAM SCHRECK, Associated Press
Updated 4:56 pm, Tuesday, July 16, 2013
BAGHDAD (AP) — Ramadan this year is shaping up
to be the deadliest in Iraq since a bloody insurgency and rampant
sectarian killings pushed the country to the edge of civil war in the
wake of the U.S.-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein.
Suicide attacks, car bombings and other violence
have killed at least 169 Iraqis just seven days into the Islamic holy
month. The death toll in the first week of Ramadan hasn't been that
high since 2007, intensifying fears that Iraq is slipping back into
widespread chaos.
There seems to be little pattern in the range of
targets, adding to the sense of unease in what is meant to be a month
of spiritual growth and generosity.
Several of those killed over the past week died
at a busy northern teashop while playing mehebis, a game where players
hope to win sweets by guessing who among their opposing team is hiding
a ring in their hands. Others were slain as they swam with friends, or
as they shopped for festive evening dinners, or made their way home
from mosques after late-night prayers.
Celebrating Ramadan Jihadi Style
Muqtedar Khan
Washington Post
Ramadan is the ninth month
in the Islamic calendar and serves as a spiritual boot camp for Muslims. In this
month, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk everyday; abstaining from food, water, sex
and anything unpleasant and immoral. One is not allowed to get angry, speak
rudely or even think of bad things. The purpose of the month is to take a break
from deep entanglements in mundane affairs and make a systematic and concerted
effort to reconnect with the divine and work on improving one's personal moral
For me, Ramadan is about returning to the fountain of truth and drinking from it
as deeply as possible. It is not the parched throat but rather the parched soul
that is my concern, so I study the Qur'an and contemplate on it. Other Muslims
adhere more closely to rituals. I believe that while rituals discipline,
knowledge is more transformative. But to each his own. The goal in Ramadan is
really is to find a way, ritual, spiritual or intellectual, to get closer to
Unfortunately, for some Muslims, murder and mayhem rather than prayer and
fasting have become the way to celebrate Ramadan.
On September 6, in the first
week of Ramadan, two suicide bombers killed over 50 people in Peshawar,
Pakistan. On September 13, five bombs killed over 30 in New Delhi, India. On
September 15, a female suicide bomber blew herself up at a Ramadan fast breaking
ceremony killing 22 people in Diyala, Iraq. On September 17, a truck bomb and
some militants attacked the US embassy in San'a, Yemen killing 16 people. And on
September 20, a massive truck bomb killed over 60 people in Islamabad, Pakistan.
All of these attacks have been conducted by people who call themselves "Jihadis",
this they claim is their struggle in the path of God. One cannot imagine to what
extent the minds and the hearts of these people have become poisoned that in the
month of Ramadan, when even frowning is undesirable, they chose to murder and
maim indiscriminately. The most incomprehensible aspect of these atrocities is
that a vast majority of their victims are the very people on whose behalf these
wars are waged!
If they want to fight and die for God, they are welcome. There are over 200,000
American soldiers, in Iraq and Afghanistan, who are there specifically to oblige
them, why not go and fight them.
These cowards, who call themselves Jihadis, run and hide from soldiers seeking
to fight them and instead target helpless and unarmed civilians. They repeatedly
confirm that they have no regard for social order, for law, for human life and
even for the sacred injunctions from the God whose pleasure they seek through
If they really wish to wage a Jihad (struggle) in this holy month of Ramadan,
then their first target should be their own cowardice and the profound
Jahiliyyah (ignorance) that disables them from seeing what is right and what is
There are three kinds of Muslim responses to these never ending atrocities. Some
Muslims condemn, oppose and actively reject the Jihadis and their agenda of
global anarchy. I wish they would be better organized and more effective.
Another minority, unfortunately, appreciates and supports the Jihadis. I pray
that this Ramadan may open their eyes to the true reality of the Jihadi
phenomenon. It preys on the weak and the helpless, has achieved absolutely
nothing of value for Muslims, and has pushed a large number of people in the
world to despise Islam and hate Muslims.
And then there is a significant Muslim population that lives in denial. They
also are intellectually dishonest. They first deny that there is such a thing as
jihadi terrorism, resorting to conspiracy theories blaming every act of Jihadi
violence either on Israel, the U.S. or India. Then they argue that unjust wars
by these three nations (in Palestine, Iraq and Kashmir) is the primary cause for
Jihadi violence; a phenomenon whose very existence they have already denied.
Unless Muslims wakeup to the culture of terrorism in their world and act to
eradicate it, they may find themselves isolated and shunned from the rest of the
world, while also being the biggest victims of the very phenomenon they do not
Muqtedar Khan is Director of Islamic Studies at the University of Delaware
and a Fellow of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.
Posted by Muqtedar Khan on
September 22, 2008