Mormon History
Non-Mormons Trying to
Avoid War - 1838
Daily Missouri Republican – September 19, 1838
had hoped that this difficulty was at an end; but more recent
intelligence leaves no doubt of the quarrel being of a more serious
character than was at first anticipated. Below we give an extract from
a letter written by a respectable gentleman of Lexington, and addressed
to a citizen of this city. This account of the state of affairs is
truly alarming. The writer says: "Great excitement prevails the other
side of the river against the Mormons -- they are all up in arms and
have, we understand this morning, had some fighting, which resulted in
the killing of a few of both parties. The citizens of Ray county sent a
wagon load of arms and ammunition, to the citizens of Daviess for the
purpose of defending themselves. On their way out they were captured by
a company of Mormons, and taken to Far West. A Committee has this
morning arrived from the other side asking for men to assist them in
the protection of their property."
We learn from the Clerk of the steam boat Howard, which
came down yesterday, that a report was circulating along the Missouri
river that the Mormons had fortified their town (Far West) and were
determined to hold out. They were stated to be about one thousand
strong and well supplied with arms and ammunition. The following
statements from the Boonville Emigrant of the 13th are confirmatory of
this report:
Preparing for War with the Mormons - 1838
We have just conversed with General Wilson, of Howard
county, who states that on last Saturday he saw a letter dated on the
7th instant. from a committee of gentlemen in Davies county, calling on
them to raise a force and come to their assistance, and aid them im
expelling the Mormons from the county: -- That the citizens of Daviess
had removed their families, and were making preparations for warlike
operation; that the Mormons were in a state of open rebellion against
the laws, and war between them and the citizens was inevitable; that
the people of Daviess had come to the fixed determination of commencing
the attack on Saturday last.
From the best information we can obtain, the Mormons
are from 1500 to 2000 fighting men; and it is stated upon good
authority, that a large emigrating party of Mormons are now on their
way from Canada to join their friends in Missouri, which will increase
their force, so as to make them very formidble: if this war should
break out, it must become a war of extermination, as the Mormons are
desperate, and rendered more so by the fanatical spirit infused into
them by that arch-deceiver, Jo Smith, under whose banner they act, and
by whose malign influence they are misguided, and ready for any act of
desperation. Their disorderly conduct for months past, has so
exasperated the people that they can no longer tolerate or permit them
to remain among them..
P. S. Since writing the above, we have understood that
a gentleman from Ray county has just arrived at Boonville, who brings
information, that the inhabitants of Daviess county have postponed
warlike operations against the Mormons until Monday; the probable
reason for this change of day is on account of the Sabbath day coming
next after the first fixed upon. They consider it better that Monday
instead of Saturday, as a day more appropriate, expecting to be able to
prevail against them better by having the whole week before them.